Department of Fire and Emergency Services Western Australia
Department of Fire and Emergency Services in Western Australia – Graduate Certificate in Business (Executive Leadership and Management)
Murdoch University Executive Education Centre delivers the Graduate Certificate in Business. This Graduate Certificate has a specialisation in Executive Leadership and Management and has been customised for the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES), the Western Australia Police (WAPOL) and the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPAW). This innovative program has been designed in consultation with the organisations to reflect global best practice focusing on the human factors that improve the thinking in managing and responding to emergency services. The units are interlinked and are premised on developing organisational capability – at all levels (e.g. teams, business units, departments and ultimately as a total organisational entity).
The interlinking of the units begins with the individual, People and Performance and Effective Leadership, to Strategic Thinking as a collective at various levels and finally enabling the organisation to develop Cultural Competence where collectives at various levels and finally enabling the organisation to develop a culture where collective intelligence and collaborative maturity are the norm. The skills gained from these four units are to be honed into an overarching capstone project that will initiate and drive change within their organisations. In 2016, the Centre hosted two cohorts of 41 participants for this Grad Cert program and are looking to programs commencing in 2017.